
A cataract describes a degenerative process in which the lens of the eye to becomes cloudy and non-transparent.


Urgency level 1


Danger level 3


Most cataracts develop over a longer period of time. The lens loses its translucency and eventually, the cataract becomes clearly visible inside the eye, usually in the shape of a milky disk. If both eyes are affected, the animal's vision may be impaired.


The vast majority of cataracts are age-related and more commonly seen in animals 10 years or older. Acquired cataracts may occur after severe inflammation of the eye or other systemic conditions, especially in diabetes mellitus.


If the cataract is the result of another condition, treatment has to be aimed at removing or at least minimizing its negative effects on the lens. Surgically removing the lens can preserve some vision. Unfortunately, medical treatment has no promising outlook. In older animals, cataracts are usually tolerated, as the surgery is considered too stressful.

Emergency measures

Consult a veterinary clinic if you suspect that your dog is suffering from a cataract.

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